Orebo Ivan

Sponsored by Michele Newport

May 2011: Ivan is 8 years old and he doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. He is of the Karamojong ethnic group and he LOVES to play soccer. Ivan has had a rough life. His parents were both killed by the LRA when he was young, and he still seems quite emotionally scarred by this loss. He lives with his aunt, Hellen, who is the director of CUS. Hellen has 2 sons (Emma and Jacob) whom Ivan is like a brother too, and there are always other cousins in and out of the house. He is loved and living in a safe place, but he has a lot of emotional insecurities and problems. Sometimes it is tough to get a smile out of him. However, when he is happy, his smile is the most beautiful thing you will see and he just lights up a room. This month Ivan was given medication for de-worming and he was able to take part in 2 field trips. He went on a boat ride through the Nile River and went to Wonder World, a fun amusement park!

July 2011: We received a photo of Ivan in his new uniform, thanks to his sponsor. He looks so handsome!

August 2011: Here is Ivan holding a gift from his sponsor. He is standing inside the home she shares with his aunt and cousins, which is located right beside the school and is in the same small building as the school office.

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