Namatovu Sarah

Sponsored by Carolina Gonzalez

May 2011: Sarah is 12 years old and wants to be a teacher when she grows up. Her favourite food is rice, her best friend is Barbara, and she tells us her hobby is working. Sadly, Sarah is a housegirl and her future is not very bright unless we can manage to keep her in school. Already, most girls her age are several grades ahead of her, as Sarah's time has not been spent in the classroom, but working for a family doing jobs like caring for the kids, cooking, and cleaning. Thankfully she is in school now. Primary 2 is only half day, so in the afternoon she goes back to the family's house to work. We worry about what will happen next year, in P3, when it becomes all day classes. The family that Sarah works for sends money back to her mother, who lives in the village. Despite her difficult life, Sarah is always smiling, and she has the most beautiful smile with big dimples. She is an excellent singer and is part of the church choir that performs on Sundays. This month Sarah was given medication for de-worming and was able to take part in a fun field trip to Wonder World, an amusement park.

July 2011: Sarah received a new uniform, thanks to her sponsor Carolina. Prior to this, Sarah would wear her regular clothes to school and was one of the few kids in her class without a uniform. Now she feels much more comfortable and included at CUS! Hellen reports that Sarah is doing well and is one of the happiest children at school! Sarah makes 10,000 shillings per month as a housegirl, which is the equivilant of less than 4 Canadian dollars. All of this is sent directly to her mother in the village. There are three kids in the family that she works for aged 3,5, and 7. Sarah wakes around 6am to wash clothes, wash dishes, and prepare breakfast. She then takes the 5 and 7 year old to school, and finally then will go to school herself, always arriving slightly late by 8:30.

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